Povestea nespusa a celei mai faimoase eroine negative din Padurea Adormita este gata sa ne dezvaluie toate secretele! Dupa ce armata unui rege invecinat ii ataca padurea, Maleficent este dornica de razbunare. Astfel, ea va arunca un blestem cumplit asupra Aurorei, fiica nou-nascuta a regelui invadator. Insa pe masura ce Aurora va creste, Maleficent va […]
In a fascinating excursion through the history of her myth, Siegmund Hurwitz presents and interprets the ancient dark-winged goddess Lilith, also known as ‘the first Eve.’ The author’s extraordinarily meticulous study of the original sources brings to light a striking figure long lost from our awareness, yet highly relevant to a psychological understanding of today’s […]
BOOKS, Goddess, Gods, Lilith, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, SIRIUS, Sumer