Thirty thousand years ago our prehistoric ancestors painted perfect images of animals on walls of tortuous caves, most often without any light. How was this possible? What meaning and messages did the cavemen want these paintings to convey? In addition, how did these perfect drawings come about at a time when man’s sole purpose was […]
11.000 BC, Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Enigme, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Terra Incognita
A comprehensive exploration of Earth’s ancient past, the evolution of humanity, the rise of civilization, and the effects of global catastrophes. • Explores biological evidence for the aquatic ape theory and 20-million-year-old evidence of pre-human cultures from which we are not descended. • Traces the genesis of modern human civilization to Indonesia and the Central […]
11.000 BC, Atlantida, BOOKS, CARTI, Lost History, Menhire, Origins, Terra Incognita
GYORGY MANDICS. Născut la 4.01.1943, în Timişoara. Absolvent al Facultăţii de Matematica-Mecanica din cadrul Universităţii Timişoara. Debut literar în martie 1961 cu poezie. Traducător, scriitor, critic, eseist şi cercetator SF. Autor a unui mare număr de volume în limbile română, maghiară şi germană, incluzand 3 romane SF (toate în maghiară), 2 cărţi de paleoastronautică şi […]
Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Arheologie, Constiinta, Enigme, Lost History, Origins, OZN, Specii, Terra Incognita, Universul
A feast of extraordinary theories and personalities centred around the mysterious standing stones of antiquity. John Michell tells the incredible story of the amazing reactions, ancient and modern, to these prehistoric relics, whether astronomical, legendary, mystical or visionary. >>> DETALII
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, BOOKS, Extinctie, Giants, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Menhire, Old Europe, Origins, Terra Incognita
The Suppressed History of Planet Earth. I am called ’Morning Sky.’ I grew up hearing the stories my grandfather told of a Space Being he helped rescue. My grandfather was one of six young Native Americans who witnessed the crash of a spaceship in 1947, shortly after the now-famous Roswell incident. When they reached the […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Gods, Great Year, Hopi, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, OZN, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sky Elders, Specii, Sumer, Terra Incognita
Experimentul Terra (vol. 1) Terra – o planetă locuită de mai multe civilizaţii Luna – cel mai mare OZN Americanii se plimbau pe Marte în 1962! Război ruso-american, în 1969… pe Lună Extratereştrii uriaşi la Pentagon! Pe orbita Terrei – extratereştri… din timpul dinozaurilor >>> DETALII VIDEO: Alien Star Craft Wobbles EARTH!? Experimentul Terra (vol. […]
ADN, Ancient Aliens, CARTI, Conspiratii, Gods, Lost History, Luna, Origins, OZN, Terra Incognita
An all-star cast of contributors, including David H. Childress, Erich von Daniken, Graham Hancock and others, question established wisdom about the history of the world and its civilisation. >>> DETALII Nu găseşti cartea? Caută la ANTICARIAT VIDEO: Discoveries Lethal to Academia – Graham Hancock VIDEO: Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels, Ayahuasca
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, Enigme, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Piramide, Terra Incognita
The ancient Egyptians would have known it as the sixth day of Pachon. The Mayans named it 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. To us it is 21 December, 2012. On this day, it is said, the world will come to an end. This is not the first time we’ve been told that our time is up. […]
11.000 BC, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, Coliziuni Cosmice, Extinctie, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Origins, Teorii, Terra Incognita
From dragons and serpents to many-armed beasts that preyed on ships and sailors alike, sea monsters have terrified mariners across all ages and cultures and have become the subject of many tall tales from the sea. Accounts of these creatures have also inspired cartographers and mapmakers, many of whom began decorating their maps with them […]
Around the World, BOOKS, CARTI, Enigme, Lost History, Specii, Terra Incognita
From the crude maps of ancient Babylon to the satellite-fueled precision of Google Maps, cartography has been both a record of dreams and of discoveries. Maps have played midwife to empires, helped win wars, and encouraged humanity to venture beyond boundaries of space and time. Containing numerous maps from the archives of the Royal Geographical […]
ANTICARIAT, Around the World, BOOKS, Harta, Lost History, Old Europe, Terra Incognita
Un accesoriu care trebuie sa stea la tine pe birou. Un glob de sticla cu dubla functie: o jumatate iti va spune cat e ceasul, iar in cealalta jumatate vei avea poza ta preferata. Glob din sticla cu doua axe de rotatie, pe un suport triunghiular metalic. Dimensiuni cutie: 14 x 11 x 11 cm; […]
This important early survey of ancient stone monuments includes examples, many now long gone, from India, Ceylon, North Africa and Europe. In the author’s own words „one of the most interesting of antiquarian studies is that which relates to the origin and purpose of the many ancient mounds and monuments found in almost every country.” […]
ANTICARIAT, Arheologie, BOOKS, Lost History, Menhire, Old Europe, Origins, Terra Incognita