The Dark World continuă aventurile de pe marele ecran ale lui Thor, Măreţul Răzbunător, el luptându-se acum să salveze Pământul şi Cele Nouă Regate de un inamic fantomatic, hotărât să-şi subordoneze întreg universul. După evenimentele din Thor şi The Avengers, Zeul Thor luptă pentru a reinstaura ordinea în cosmos… însă o străveche rasă în frunte […]
Agartha, Ancient Aliens, Apocalipsa, Ezoterism, FILME, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Space, Specii, Universul
Din Cuprins: ● Stiinta Numerelor ● Numar si Litera ● Centrul si Ciclul ● Varstele ciclului ● Varsta de aur ● Alungarea din Rai ● Armele simbolice si varstele ● Atlantida ● Ultimul mare an ● Cei patru ● Metalurgia si armele simbolice ● Sfarsitul lumii >>> DETALII
Apocalipsa, Atlantida, CARTI, Great Year, Numerologie, Origins, Simbolistica
No other monument in the world evokes mystery like the Great Sphinx of Giza. It has survived the harsh climate of Egypt for thousands of years and will remain long after our own civilization is gone. According to orthodox Egyptology, the Sphinx was built around 2500 BCE as a memorial to the pharaoh Khafre. Yet […]
11.000 BC, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, Great Year, Lost History, Origins, Piramide, Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch
Many ancient myths from around the world tell of catastrophic destruction by fire and flood. These ubiquitous legends are so extreme that they are often dismissed as imaginative exaggerations. In Earth Under Fire,Paul LaViolette connects these „myths” to recent scientific findings in astronomy, geology, and archaeology to reconstruct the details of prehistoric global disasters and […]
11.000 BC, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, CARTI, Extinctie, Great Year, Lost History, Origins, Planeta X
BUN VENIT ÎN LUMEA CELEI MAI MARI ENIGME A TUTUROR TIMPURILOR. Conţine de toate: de la indicii şi cifruri, până la diversiuni şi glume tendenţios enigmatice. Pe firul acţiunii întâlnim şarlatani, victime şi eroi, dar şi cărţi imposibil de citit, monumente care îşi păzesc cu străşnicie secretele şi personaje stranii, aproape nepământene, care îşi fac […]
Alchimie, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Spiritualitate, Stars, Templieri, Universul
A feast of extraordinary theories and personalities centred around the mysterious standing stones of antiquity. John Michell tells the incredible story of the amazing reactions, ancient and modern, to these prehistoric relics, whether astronomical, legendary, mystical or visionary. >>> DETALII
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, BOOKS, Extinctie, Giants, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Menhire, Old Europe, Origins, Terra Incognita
Va deveni trecutul viitor? Este omenirea menita sa repete unele intamplari petrecute pe o alta planeta, indepartata de Pamant? Cronicile Pamantului (The Earth Chronicles), seria bestseller a lui Zecharia Sitchin, ii ofera omenirii una din fatetele povestii – asa cum este ea consemnata pe tablite antice de lut si pe alte artefacte sumeriene –, referitoare […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, CARTI, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sumer, Zecharia Sitchin
Cataclysm! presents a breakthrough of enormous proportions – a new understanding of cosmic events in Earth’s recent geological past. Follow this multi-disciplinary, scientific study as it examines the evidence of a great global catastrophe that occurred only 11,500 years ago. Crustal shifting, the tilting of Earth’s axis, mass extinctions, upthrusted mountain ranges, rising and shrinking […]
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Coliziuni Cosmice, Great Year, Lost History, Origins, Planeta X
The Suppressed History of Planet Earth. I am called ’Morning Sky.’ I grew up hearing the stories my grandfather told of a Space Being he helped rescue. My grandfather was one of six young Native Americans who witnessed the crash of a spaceship in 1947, shortly after the now-famous Roswell incident. When they reached the […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Gods, Great Year, Hopi, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, OZN, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sky Elders, Specii, Sumer, Terra Incognita
A former NASA expert documents evidence left in codes inscribed on ancient monuments pointing to the existence of an advanced prehistoric civilization regularly visited (and technologically assisted) by ETs. Our Cosmic Ancestors is a dynamic work unraveling the messages of these „universal astronauts” and decoding the symbols and visual mathematics they have left for us […]
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, BOOKS, CARTI, Great Year, Lost History, Luna, NASA, Origins
An all-star cast of contributors, including David H. Childress, Erich von Daniken, Graham Hancock and others, question established wisdom about the history of the world and its civilisation. >>> DETALII Nu găseşti cartea? Caută la ANTICARIAT VIDEO: Discoveries Lethal to Academia – Graham Hancock VIDEO: Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels, Ayahuasca
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, Enigme, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Piramide, Terra Incognita
The ancient Egyptians would have known it as the sixth day of Pachon. The Mayans named it 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. To us it is 21 December, 2012. On this day, it is said, the world will come to an end. This is not the first time we’ve been told that our time is up. […]
11.000 BC, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, Coliziuni Cosmice, Extinctie, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Origins, Teorii, Terra Incognita