Introducing the Green Lantern mini kit, this title is released to coincide with the live-action blockbuster film starring Ryan Reynolds released worldwide in 2011. There are 3,600 Green Lanterns, each granted the Power Ring along with a duty to join the universal quest to protect a specific sector of space. Now you can join the […]
Rucsac – Green Lantern – Justice League. Brand: Half Moon Bay. Material: textil. Culoare: verde. Dimensiuni: 41 x 31 x 14 cm. >>> DETALII
Timp de cateva secole, pacea si ordinea in Univers a fost mentinuta de catre un grup restrans, dar puternic de razboinici intergalactici reuniti sub titulatura de Green Lantern Corps, fiecare membru detinand cate un inel de culoare verde ce ii confera forte supranaturale. Atunci cand luptatorul Green Lantern Abin Sur este grav ranit si isi […]
Alien, Apocalipsa, FILME, Green Lantern, Specii, SuperHuman, Wonderland