Inel Green Lantern

31 oct. , 2016   Video

Introducing the Green Lantern mini kit, this title is released to coincide with the live-action blockbuster film starring Ryan Reynolds released worldwide in 2011. There are 3,600 Green Lanterns, each granted the Power Ring along with a duty to join the universal quest to protect a specific sector of space. Now you can join the […]

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Inel argint „XIRIUS”

11 oct. , 2016  

E-CRYSTAL. Inel de argint Xirius. Inel din argint, cu elemente Swarovski, model Xirius; Dimensiune cristal (mm): 8; Se livreaza in cutie cadou, cu certificat de garantie pentru 6 luni; Are certificat de conformitate pentru argint. >>> DETALII   Alte bijuterii Xirius:

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Inel „Black Sun”

20 sept. , 2016  

Inel clasic, in forma de semicerc, cu piatra neagra. Piatra vine sa completeze designul deosebit al inelului. Deoarece nu este inchis, inelul poate fi reglabil. Compozitie: aliaj zinc 80%, acrilic 20. >>> DETALII

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