Manusi Mechanix

10 nov. , 2016   Video

Mechanix gloves because of the comfort and strength gained many users in the best military units worldwide. They are used by USMC, Navy Seals, GROM, Delta Force and many other units. Designed specifically for soldiers and special forces operators Mechanix gloves is a good choice for people who appreciate gloves which are lightweight, comfortable, well […]

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Manusi Smart Touch

17 sept. , 2016  

Acest tip de manusi protejeaza articulatiile, avand aplicata o zona din material plastic dur, turnat prin injectie , obtinandu-se astfel un plus de protectie la impact . Partea anterioara este confectionata din piele sintetica . In zona degetului mare este aplicata o intaritura , pentru o rezistenta crescuta la uzura . Materialul folosit in zona […]

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