Explore sacred sites, unearth long lost religions, and uncover the mystical side of Britain’s landscape, in the search for the divine feminine. In pre-Christian Britain the Great Goddess was worshipped either as an equal to the Gods or as an individual deity. From the Palaeolithic ‘Earth Mother’ to the Celtic goddesses of Boadicea and the […]
ANTICARIAT, Arheologie, BOOKS, Goddess, Gods, Lost History, Mitologie, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Venus
Sentimentul religios este dorinta omului de a cauta si cunoaste pe cel care l-a creat. „Revin cu speranta ca arta dialogului si a trairii impreuna fara granite pueril impuse este posibila, desi lumea vorbeste din ce in ce mai mult despre «Ciocnirea civilizatiilor» si despre divizarea omenirii dupa structuri religioase. Pentru revenirea in Universul spiritului […]
Ancient Aliens, CARTI, Enigme, Gods, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, Spiritualitate
A work of scientific and philosophical inquiry, in which, the authors track world myths to a common origin in early man’s descriptions of cosmological activity, arguing that these remnants of ancient astronomy, suppressed by the Greeks and Romans and then forgotten, were really a form of pre-literate science. Authors: Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von […]
11.000 BC, ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Great Year, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, SIRIUS, Stars
Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901), lawyer, land promoter, politician and virtuoso author, is today best known for his pioneering work on the subject of Atlantis, „Atlantis the Antediluvian World” (ATAW). Published in 1882, ATAW is one of the best constructed Atlantis theories, as it makes no recourse to occult or ‘channeled’ information. Donnelly’s lucid style and command […]
11.000 BC, ANTICARIAT, Atlantida, BOOKS, Gods, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, Terra Incognita
Gods of the New Millennium by Alan F. Alford. First published in 1997, this is the comprehensive and irrefutable proof of the flesh-and-blood gods who created us genetically in their own image. This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient sites. Up-to-date evidence is that the gods were […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Genetica, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Mitologie, Nibiru, Origins, Piramide, Planeta X, Sacred Places, SIRIUS, Terra Incognita
The goddess is the most potent and persistent feature in the archaeological records of the ancient world. In this volume the author resurrects the world of goddess-worshipping, earth-centred cultures, bringing ancient matriarchal society to life. Author: Marija Gimbutas. >>> DETALII
Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Goddess, Gods, Lost History, Marija Gimbutas, Mitologie, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica
The myth and folklore of ancestral peoples around the world hints at a vast cycle of time, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Plato called it the Great Year. Long believed to be a fairytale, there is now new astronomical evidence to show it has a basis in fact. Moreover, because it is caused by […]
11.000 BC, ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Luna, Mitologie, Origins, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sistemul Solar, Stars
Joseph Campbell, autorul bestseller-ului Eroul cu o mie de chipuri, definea candva mitul ca fiind „religia altor popoare”. Dar a mai spus totodata ca una dintre functiile de baza ale mitului aceea este de a ajuta fiecare individ pe parcursul vietii, punand la dispozitie un fel de ghid de calatorie sau harta pentru atingerea implinirii […]
CARTI, Joseph Campbell, Mitologie, Simbolistica, Spiritualitate
Pentru cunoasterea preponderent rationalista a omului modern, obsesia vesnicei reintoarceri se manifesta si sub semnul aspiratiei de a revaloriza resursele intuitive ale cunoasterii arhaice. Acestei aspiratii i se subordoneaza incercarea universitarului iesean dr. Traian D. Stanciulescu de a contura o semiotica a miturilor creatiei. Construita sub semnul unitatii si continuitatii spiritului omenesc din toate timpurile […]
ANTICARIAT, Ezoterism, Gods, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins
Acest volum face o incursiune in mitologiile lumii, din Orientul Mijlociu in Europa, din Egipt in Extremul Orient, fara sa omita nici mitologiile, mai putin cunoscute noua, ale Americilor, Australiei si Oceaniei. Fiecare naratiune despre zei si zeite, despre semizei si eroi ne deschide o fereastra catre istoria culturii care i-a creat, catre evolutiile in […]
Arheologie, CARTI, Gods, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, Simbolistica, Terra Incognita
„What put me on the track of the new evidence was the discovery that a great deal in the ancient Indian Epics and Vedas regarding the Early Aryans, hitherto considered fabulous is historic. Comparing the King-Lists of the Early Aryans in the Puranas with the records of the Sumerian Mesopotamian kings on their inscribed monuments […]
BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, FreeBOOK, Lost History, Mitologie, Sirius & Orion, Sumer
In a fascinating excursion through the history of her myth, Siegmund Hurwitz presents and interprets the ancient dark-winged goddess Lilith, also known as ‘the first Eve.’ The author’s extraordinarily meticulous study of the original sources brings to light a striking figure long lost from our awareness, yet highly relevant to a psychological understanding of today’s […]
BOOKS, Goddess, Gods, Lilith, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, SIRIUS, Sumer