In America: Nation of the Goddess, Alan Butler and Janet Wolter reveal how a secret cabal of influential „Venus” families with a lineage tracing back to the Eleusinian Mysteries has shaped the history of the United States since its founding. The evidence for such incredible assertions comes from American institutions such as the National Grange […]
BOOKS, CARTI, Goddess, Secret Societies, Simbolistica, Sirius & Orion, Templieri, Venus
Enciclopedia Gale a fenomenelor neobisnuite si inexplicabile ofera informatii cuprinzatoare si obiective despre mistere fara raspuns, capacitati paranormale, fenomene religioase, magie, fenomenul OZN si mituri aparute in diverse culturi. Cele trei volume sunt foarte bogate in informatii, constituind un instrument valoros, care le ofera utilizatorilor oportunitatea de a evalua numeroasele ipoteze si contraipoteze privitoare la […]
Alchimie, Alien, Brad Steiger, CARTI, Enigme, OZN, Paranormal, Samani, Secret Societies, Specii, Stiinte Secrete
In Aparatul lui Uriel, autorii cartii Secretul lui Hiram, folosindu-se de date stiintifice concrete, prezinta descoperiri care vor schimba perspectiva noastra asupra trecutului indepartat al omului si care ne pot ajuta sa intelegem mai bine viitorul. De exemplu, este explicata o modalitate prin care societatile preistorice au putut realiza observatoare astronomice cum este cel de […]
Ancient Aliens, Arheologie, CARTI, Lost History, Origins, Secret Societies, Sirius & Orion
Unele dintre cele mai mari mistere ale lumii antice sunt piramidele din Egipt. Aflati in cautarea secretului acestor constructii megalitice, Christopher Knight si Alan Butler ne prezinta o teorie uimitoare, sustinuta cu dovezi pe masura. Ei afirma ca cei care au construit sau proiectat Marea Piramida erau originari din Britannia. Mai mult de atat, ne […]
11.000 BC, Arheologie, CARTI, Egipt, Menhire, Piramide, Secret Societies, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Terra Incognita
An exploration of how Jules Verne used his writings to encrypt important Masonic and Rosicrucian secrets and sacred symbolism. • Investigates Verne’s connections to the prominent secret societies of his time: Freemasons, Golden Dawn, Angelic Society, and Rosicrucians. • Reveals how certain of Verne’s works hold the key to deciphering the Rennes-le-Château mystery. • Explores […]
Back to the Future, BOOKS, CARTI, Ezoterism, Jules Verne, Secret Societies
Did ancient visitors of extraterrestrial origin come to Earth long ago and lift the human race out of the ashes of a great global catastrophe around 10,500 BC? Were the science and secrets that they taught the ancients intended to be a guide for all humanity to the present era of change and upheaval we […]
Ancient Aliens, Apollo, BOOKS, CARTI, Lost History, NASA, Secret Societies
Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, denumirea NASA sugereaza imaginea de o curatenie impecabila a infailibilitatii tehnologice. Putini oameni sunt constienti de dovezile incontestabile ca NASA are politici aliniate mult mai mult cu stravechile scoli ale misterelor religioase si oculte decat cu fatada de stiinta rationala pe care agentia guvernamentala a promovat-o in lume cu succes. Care sunt […]
Apollo, Black Projects, CARTI, Luna, Marte, NASA, Secret Societies
The underground realm of Agarttha was first introduced to the Western world in 1886 by the French esoteric philosopher Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre with his book Mission de l’Inde, translated here for the first time into English. Saint-Yves’s book maintained that deep below the Himalayas were enormous underground cities, which were under the rule of a […]
Agartha, BOOKS, CARTI, Ezoterism, Hollow Earth, Secret Societies, Terra Incognita