It had long been thought that the Mesolithic, which is the period following on the last Ice Age, was a cultural void. This may have been true to a certain extent with regards to pottery, the flagship of archaeological sequence dating. Conventional thought places its invention in the Near East in around 6000 BC. Consequently, […]
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, Arheologie, BOOKS, CARTI, Enigme, Goddess, Lost History, Menhire, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Terra Incognita
The Dark World continuă aventurile de pe marele ecran ale lui Thor, Măreţul Răzbunător, el luptându-se acum să salveze Pământul şi Cele Nouă Regate de un inamic fantomatic, hotărât să-şi subordoneze întreg universul. După evenimentele din Thor şi The Avengers, Zeul Thor luptă pentru a reinstaura ordinea în cosmos… însă o străveche rasă în frunte […]
Agartha, Ancient Aliens, Apocalipsa, Ezoterism, FILME, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Space, Specii, Universul
BUN VENIT ÎN LUMEA CELEI MAI MARI ENIGME A TUTUROR TIMPURILOR. Conţine de toate: de la indicii şi cifruri, până la diversiuni şi glume tendenţios enigmatice. Pe firul acţiunii întâlnim şarlatani, victime şi eroi, dar şi cărţi imposibil de citit, monumente care îşi păzesc cu străşnicie secretele şi personaje stranii, aproape nepământene, care îşi fac […]
Alchimie, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Spiritualitate, Stars, Templieri, Universul
Explore sacred sites, unearth long lost religions, and uncover the mystical side of Britain’s landscape, in the search for the divine feminine. In pre-Christian Britain the Great Goddess was worshipped either as an equal to the Gods or as an individual deity. From the Palaeolithic ‘Earth Mother’ to the Celtic goddesses of Boadicea and the […]
ANTICARIAT, Arheologie, BOOKS, Goddess, Gods, Lost History, Mitologie, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Venus
Va deveni trecutul viitor? Este omenirea menita sa repete unele intamplari petrecute pe o alta planeta, indepartata de Pamant? Cronicile Pamantului (The Earth Chronicles), seria bestseller a lui Zecharia Sitchin, ii ofera omenirii una din fatetele povestii – asa cum este ea consemnata pe tablite antice de lut si pe alte artefacte sumeriene –, referitoare […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, CARTI, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sumer, Zecharia Sitchin
The Suppressed History of Planet Earth. I am called ’Morning Sky.’ I grew up hearing the stories my grandfather told of a Space Being he helped rescue. My grandfather was one of six young Native Americans who witnessed the crash of a spaceship in 1947, shortly after the now-famous Roswell incident. When they reached the […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Gods, Great Year, Hopi, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, OZN, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sky Elders, Specii, Sumer, Terra Incognita
A work of scientific and philosophical inquiry, in which, the authors track world myths to a common origin in early man’s descriptions of cosmological activity, arguing that these remnants of ancient astronomy, suppressed by the Greeks and Romans and then forgotten, were really a form of pre-literate science. Authors: Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von […]
11.000 BC, ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Great Year, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, SIRIUS, Stars
Gods of the New Millennium by Alan F. Alford. First published in 1997, this is the comprehensive and irrefutable proof of the flesh-and-blood gods who created us genetically in their own image. This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient sites. Up-to-date evidence is that the gods were […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Genetica, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Mitologie, Nibiru, Origins, Piramide, Planeta X, Sacred Places, SIRIUS, Terra Incognita
The myth and folklore of ancestral peoples around the world hints at a vast cycle of time, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Plato called it the Great Year. Long believed to be a fairytale, there is now new astronomical evidence to show it has a basis in fact. Moreover, because it is caused by […]
11.000 BC, ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Luna, Mitologie, Origins, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sistemul Solar, Stars
Putin s-a pastrat peste veacuri din stravechea intelepciune a Epocilor de aur (Satya yuga) trecute, epoci de maxima inflorire spirituala pe care le-a cunoscut acest Pamant, in care portile luminii erau deschise si barierele spatiilor interdimensionale fusesera date la o parte prin Arta influxului spiritual al Spiritului Divin Suprem ce se revarsa atunci in nestingherita […]
11.000 BC, Alchimie, Atlantida, CARTI, Egipt, Ezoterism, Hermes, Lost History, Piramide, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Stiinte Secrete, Thoth
Aceasta carte fascinanta Osiris. Judecatorul lumii de apoi abordeaza istoria perena a Egiptului antic, intr-un mod cu adevarat original. Sunt prezentate douasprezece personaje de referinta ale acestei civilizatii, printre care: Imhotep, Leonardo al Egiptului, arhitectul regal al Piramidei in trepte, Hatsepsut, femeia-faraon, dar si Horemheb, politician, autodidact si in final rege, spre sfarsitul cartii ajungand si […]
11.000 BC, Arheologie, CARTI, Egipt, Lost History, Piramide, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion
Unele dintre cele mai mari mistere ale lumii antice sunt piramidele din Egipt. Aflati in cautarea secretului acestor constructii megalitice, Christopher Knight si Alan Butler ne prezinta o teorie uimitoare, sustinuta cu dovezi pe masura. Ei afirma ca cei care au construit sau proiectat Marea Piramida erau originari din Britannia. Mai mult de atat, ne […]
11.000 BC, Arheologie, CARTI, Egipt, Menhire, Piramide, Secret Societies, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Terra Incognita