Va deveni trecutul viitor? Este omenirea menita sa repete unele intamplari petrecute pe o alta planeta, indepartata de Pamant? Cronicile Pamantului (The Earth Chronicles), seria bestseller a lui Zecharia Sitchin, ii ofera omenirii una din fatetele povestii – asa cum este ea consemnata pe tablite antice de lut si pe alte artefacte sumeriene –, referitoare […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, Apocalipsa, Arheologie, CARTI, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sumer, Zecharia Sitchin
The Suppressed History of Planet Earth. I am called ’Morning Sky.’ I grew up hearing the stories my grandfather told of a Space Being he helped rescue. My grandfather was one of six young Native Americans who witnessed the crash of a spaceship in 1947, shortly after the now-famous Roswell incident. When they reached the […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Gods, Great Year, Hopi, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, OZN, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sky Elders, Specii, Sumer, Terra Incognita
In America: Nation of the Goddess, Alan Butler and Janet Wolter reveal how a secret cabal of influential „Venus” families with a lineage tracing back to the Eleusinian Mysteries has shaped the history of the United States since its founding. The evidence for such incredible assertions comes from American institutions such as the National Grange […]
BOOKS, CARTI, Goddess, Secret Societies, Simbolistica, Sirius & Orion, Templieri, Venus
Sedona: City of the Star People reveals the esoteric history of Sedona, Arizona, which author Pinkham says was known in very ancient times as Palatkwapi, the Red House. According to Hopi legend, Extraterrestrial Star People built Palatkwapi as a glorious city of sacred wisdom. It was here that the migrating Hopis learned their sacred rites […]
11.000 BC, BOOKS, CARTI, Hopi, King of the World, Lost History, Sirius & Orion
With over 100,000 copies sold since first publication, this is one of the most popular astronomy books of all time. It is a unique guidebook to the night sky, providing all the information you need to observe a whole host of celestial objects. With a new spiral binding, this edition is even easier to use […]
ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Harta, Sirius & Orion, Stars, Universul
In Aparatul lui Uriel, autorii cartii Secretul lui Hiram, folosindu-se de date stiintifice concrete, prezinta descoperiri care vor schimba perspectiva noastra asupra trecutului indepartat al omului si care ne pot ajuta sa intelegem mai bine viitorul. De exemplu, este explicata o modalitate prin care societatile preistorice au putut realiza observatoare astronomice cum este cel de […]
Ancient Aliens, Arheologie, CARTI, Lost History, Origins, Secret Societies, Sirius & Orion
„What put me on the track of the new evidence was the discovery that a great deal in the ancient Indian Epics and Vedas regarding the Early Aryans, hitherto considered fabulous is historic. Comparing the King-Lists of the Early Aryans in the Puranas with the records of the Sumerian Mesopotamian kings on their inscribed monuments […]
BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, FreeBOOK, Lost History, Mitologie, Sirius & Orion, Sumer
Aceasta carte fascinanta Osiris. Judecatorul lumii de apoi abordeaza istoria perena a Egiptului antic, intr-un mod cu adevarat original. Sunt prezentate douasprezece personaje de referinta ale acestei civilizatii, printre care: Imhotep, Leonardo al Egiptului, arhitectul regal al Piramidei in trepte, Hatsepsut, femeia-faraon, dar si Horemheb, politician, autodidact si in final rege, spre sfarsitul cartii ajungand si […]
11.000 BC, Arheologie, CARTI, Egipt, Lost History, Piramide, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion
Unele dintre cele mai mari mistere ale lumii antice sunt piramidele din Egipt. Aflati in cautarea secretului acestor constructii megalitice, Christopher Knight si Alan Butler ne prezinta o teorie uimitoare, sustinuta cu dovezi pe masura. Ei afirma ca cei care au construit sau proiectat Marea Piramida erau originari din Britannia. Mai mult de atat, ne […]
11.000 BC, Arheologie, CARTI, Egipt, Menhire, Piramide, Secret Societies, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Terra Incognita
Potrivit adepţilor „teoriei extratereştrilor antici”, extratereştrii mult superiori tehnologic au aterizat pe Terra cu mii de ani în urmă, împărtăşind din ştiinţa lor civilizaţiilor umane timpurii, schimbând astfel definitiv cursul istoriei. Sunt menţionate două genuri de dovezi. Primul se referă la textele religioase antice, în care oamenii au interacţionat cu zeii sau cu alte fiinţe […]
ADN, Ancient Aliens, Arheologie, ASTRO, DOCUMENTARE, Enigme, Lost History, Origins, OZN, Piramide, Sirius & Orion
Bine ați venit la Istoria Reală a Pământului. Nu veți găsi acest material în orele de istorie de gimnaziu sau liceu. De fapt, așa-numitele „puteri” care par să controleze procesul educațional de pe această planetă cu siguranță NU VOR să aveți aceste informații. Se spune că informația înseamnă putere. Scopul acestei cărți este să vă […]
11.000 BC, Ancient Aliens, CARTI, Channeling, Egipt, Lost History, Sal Rachele, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sumer
2010 Reprint of 1929 Edition. Mr. Waddell believes that the beginning of all civilizations date from the Sumerians who were blond because they wore dark jewelry and blued-eyed because lapis lazuli is found to represent the eye. From Mesopotamia, carried by these Nordic Sumerians, civilization spread to Egypt, Crete, Greece, Europe India and China. Profusely […]
BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Giants, Lost History, Origins, Sirius & Orion, Specii, Sumer