Everything You Know Is Wrong (EYKIW) is the product of years of research into human origins, spanning everything from the oldest known recorded histories of the world to modern genetic discoveries. In it, Lloyd Pye postulates his alternative view of human evolution, now called „Intervention Theory.” This new theory stands separate from Creationism, Evolution, and Intelligent Design, and explains many of the conundrums left unanswered by those other theories. The book contains endlessly fascinating insights into just how much of what we think we know is wrong, from the very beginnings of life, to the highly inaccurate map we all accept as Earth’s surface, to the evolutionary impossibility of the Cambrian Explosion, and the likelihood that Miocene Apes walk among us today. This book provides any reader with a profoundly altered world view.
The origin of life, particularly human life, is one of today’s most intensely debated subjects. Ironically, that debate has only two socially acceptable sides: Darwinism and Creationism. Darwinists support the detailed observations and speculations of a brilliant naturalist, while Creationists support the various interpreters of the Bible’s scriptural teachings. Despite the passion and intellect exhibited by both sides as they defend their positions, millions of people remain unconvinced by the arguments of either. For those individuals, it is time to present a viable, comprehensive, third option, Rationalism, which is the formation of ideas and opinions based on evidence and reasoning rather than on secular authority or divine revelation. Everything You Know Is Wrong stakes out a solid, defendable, entirely new position in the debate about life origins and human origins. That position is bolstered by an astonishing array of scientific facts either unmentioned or conspicuously ignored by the two currently entrenched camps. By utilizing such a fact-based format, this book’s presentation of Rationalism offers a far more convincing explanation for the origins of life, and particularly of human life, than Darwinism or Creationism ever have… or ever will. >>> DETALII
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