Majoritatea cărților din fondul ufologic BUFOR (Biblioteca UFO România), strâns de-a lungul vieții de regretatul Călin N. Turcu, au ajuns în custodia Asociației pentru Studiul Fenomenelor Aerospațiale Neidentificate, fiind integrate în ceea ce ei numesc Biblioteca ASFAN. Majoritatea, dar nu toate. Iar astăzi vă prezentăm una dintre excepții. A fost pusă la dispoziție de familia […]
Alien, ANTICARIAT, BOOKS, CARTI, Enigme, FreeBOOK, FutureNow, OZN, Specii, Terra Incognita
BUN VENIT ÎN LUMEA CELEI MAI MARI ENIGME A TUTUROR TIMPURILOR. Conţine de toate: de la indicii şi cifruri, până la diversiuni şi glume tendenţios enigmatice. Pe firul acţiunii întâlnim şarlatani, victime şi eroi, dar şi cărţi imposibil de citit, monumente care îşi păzesc cu străşnicie secretele şi personaje stranii, aproape nepământene, care îşi fac […]
Alchimie, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Great Year, Lost History, Old Europe, Origins, Simbolistica, SIRIUS, Spiritualitate, Stars, Templieri, Universul
The Suppressed History of Planet Earth. I am called ’Morning Sky.’ I grew up hearing the stories my grandfather told of a Space Being he helped rescue. My grandfather was one of six young Native Americans who witnessed the crash of a spaceship in 1947, shortly after the now-famous Roswell incident. When they reached the […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Gods, Great Year, Hopi, Lost History, Nibiru, Origins, OZN, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sirius & Orion, Sky Elders, Specii, Sumer, Terra Incognita
„I stood in the marble lobby of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration building in the shadow of the Capitol, staring at a glossy photograph, barely aware of the crowds bumping me as they streamed to lunch. It was just one of the thousands of photos taken by NASA in its lunar program. But it […]
Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apollo, BOOKS, FreeBOOK, Luna, NASA, OZN
A work of scientific and philosophical inquiry, in which, the authors track world myths to a common origin in early man’s descriptions of cosmological activity, arguing that these remnants of ancient astronomy, suppressed by the Greeks and Romans and then forgotten, were really a form of pre-literate science. Authors: Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von […]
11.000 BC, ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Great Year, Lost History, Mitologie, Origins, SIRIUS, Stars
Unlock the lost and hidden meanings of the world’s ancient and modern signs and symbols with the latest in the hugely popular series of ‘Element Encyclopedias’. This is the biggest A-Z reference book on symbolic objects you’ll ever find. The latest in the popular series of ‘Element Encyclopedias’, this is the largest, most definitive guide […]
Adele Nozedar, BOOKS, CARTI, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Lost History, Simbolistica
Gods of the New Millennium by Alan F. Alford. First published in 1997, this is the comprehensive and irrefutable proof of the flesh-and-blood gods who created us genetically in their own image. This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient sites. Up-to-date evidence is that the gods were […]
11.000 BC, ADN, Ancient Aliens, ANTICARIAT, Apocalipsa, BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Genetica, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Mitologie, Nibiru, Origins, Piramide, Planeta X, Sacred Places, SIRIUS, Terra Incognita
With over 100,000 copies sold since first publication, this is one of the most popular astronomy books of all time. It is a unique guidebook to the night sky, providing all the information you need to observe a whole host of celestial objects. With a new spiral binding, this edition is even easier to use […]
ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Harta, Sirius & Orion, Stars, Universul
Manuscrisul lui Voynich (numit aşa după Wilfrid Michael Voynich) este un manuscris cifrat misterios, încă nedescifrat, despre care nu se cunoaşte nici autorul şi nici data apariţiei. Are forma unei cărţi ilustrate cu 232 pagini. Textul este scris cu litere şi cuvinte neidentificate, fără greşeli, tăieturi sau corecturi. Desenele în schimb sunt executate cu mai […]
Alchimie, BOOKS, CARTI, Enigme, Ezoterism, FreeBOOK, Goddess, Simbolistica, Stiinte Secrete, Voynich
„What put me on the track of the new evidence was the discovery that a great deal in the ancient Indian Epics and Vedas regarding the Early Aryans, hitherto considered fabulous is historic. Comparing the King-Lists of the Early Aryans in the Puranas with the records of the Sumerian Mesopotamian kings on their inscribed monuments […]
BOOKS, CARTI, Egipt, FreeBOOK, Lost History, Mitologie, Sirius & Orion, Sumer
This manuscript represents Part One of an updated and expanded version of Jenny Randles’ classic work UFO Study (originally published in 1981); this particular work including the text relevant to UFO investigation. When first presented this book presented a unique attempt to provide a concise guide to many required skills and techniques. It was especially […]
Istoria ascunsa a omului. O tulburatoare decodare a Bibliei, Coranul, Bhagavad-gitei si a altor texte vechi. „Programul Terra” este un brevet romanesc de decodare tehnica integrata a Bibliei si a altor texte vechi, ce are la baza genetica si alte stiinte moderne. PAMANTUL este proprietatea comuna a mai multor supercivilizatii, care dezvolta cicluri economice de […]
ADN, Ancient Aliens, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Genetica, Invazie, Lost History, Origins, Teorii, Terra Incognita