Incepand cu o scurta istorie a astronomiei, autoarea exploreaza Soarele si Sistemul Solar, Universul observabil si se reintoarce la originile lui cosmologice. O sectiune extinsa dedicata observatiilor facute de catre amatori ofera sfaturi practice pentru cei care debuteaza in studiul astronomiei, incluzand observarea cu ochiul liber, binoclul, telescopul pentru amatori, camera si camera web si […]
With over 100,000 copies sold since first publication, this is one of the most popular astronomy books of all time. It is a unique guidebook to the night sky, providing all the information you need to observe a whole host of celestial objects. With a new spiral binding, this edition is even easier to use […]
ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, FreeBOOK, Harta, Sirius & Orion, Stars, Universul
The myth and folklore of ancestral peoples around the world hints at a vast cycle of time, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Plato called it the Great Year. Long believed to be a fairytale, there is now new astronomical evidence to show it has a basis in fact. Moreover, because it is caused by […]
11.000 BC, ASTRO, BOOKS, CARTI, Gods, Great Year, Lost History, Luna, Mitologie, Origins, Planeta X, SIRIUS, Sistemul Solar, Stars
This computer-generated image of the Milky Way shows the entire galaxy in one perspective of a 3-D model. The model incorporates the positions of hundreds of thousands of stars and nebulae within the galaxy, shows Earth’s location, and includes additional photographs, descriptions and locations of fascinating phenomena throughout the Milky Way. >>> DETALII
The sun is the center of our solar system. It originated 4.6 billion years ago along with the other large bodies of the solar system from a rotating, slowly condensing gas and dust disk. The sun is in relation to their size and luminosity of an average star, whose life might be a few billion […]
Uranus is the farthest planet that we recognize with the naked eye just can not. 84 years needs the big white ball of gas until it is moved once around the sun. Even simple telescopes to the moons Titania and Oberon are watching. On the poster, the five large moons are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania […]
His rings make him one of the most beautiful objects in the solar system: Saturn is a giant with size. Could a 100 km / h fast car drive round the visible rings, it would be a whole year on the road. The whole beauty of the ringed planet and the orange moon Titan is […]
The largest planet in our solar system between Mars and Saturn. As can already be distinguished with relatively primitive telescopes niceties like the moons of Jupiter or the major gas bands, Jupiter played in the beginnings of modern astronomy an important role. Its moons are placed in the tradition of Galileo and the science education […]
Venus is Mercury, after the second planet in the solar system. Its orbit around the Sun is nearly circular in comparison to other planets. After the sun and moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky, often referred to historically as the „evening star” or „morning star”. Since Venus is relatively close to the […]
Mars is probably the planet of the solar system, the largest of the fascination exerted on us humans. Until the sixties of this century are held assumptions that had to find life on Mars. The starting point for these speculations were, among others by the Italian astronomer Chiaparelli discovered canals of Mars, whose non-existence, however, […]
The Earth’s moon, as it presented itself to the astronauts. In addition to a detailed record of the moon labeled the front page as it can be observed with any good telescope from Earth, even the back and some of the best NASA images of the lunar surface are shown. Examined here, an astronaut just […]